Donate to CodeBrave

CodeBrave is a charity in Lebanon supporting children and youth from disadvantaged areas to change their lives through tech education. Since 2018, we work to create long lasting change to ensure that every child has the best start in life, a safe place to learn, and the right skills for the future.

See your impact

Your support provides children from disadvantaged backgrounds an equal chance to succeed.

CodeBrave combines the power of campaigning, education, and innovation to create long lasting change to ensure that every child has the best start in life, a safe place to learn, and the right skills for the future.

  • >85,587 Hours Of Student Learning
  • 53% Of Students Were Young Women And Girls
  • 200 games developed by our students
  • 2,924 Students Aged 7-21 Gained Coding, Robotics & Digital Skills
  • 315 websites built by our students
Tech education changes lives

Tech education changes lives

Coding and soft skills for children from disadvantaged areas in Lebanon

Tech education empowers young people to lift themselves out of poverty, develop businesses, and access remote international jobs. That’s why, since 2018, CodeBrave delivers coding and robotics classes for children and adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds in Lebanon.

Our education programme, delivered in collaboration with under-resourced schools and shelters, offers students the tech skills, confidence, and opportunity to access the jobs of tomorrow and achieve their full potential.


Latest updates

CodeBrave with World Vision at Southern Lebanon Shelters
CodeBrave with World Vision at Southern Lebanon shelters

CodeBrave, with World Vision Funding, delivered coding and robotics classes to displaced children and youth in Southern Lebanon.

CodeBrave in Sour: Robotics and Website Development Bootcamps
CodeBrave in Sour: Robotics and Web Development Bootcamps

The Coding Bootcamp in Sour this summer, a partnership between CodeBrave, LFPA and the Malala Fund, aimed to equip 100 students aged 12-18 with essential 21st-century digital skills and build towards their future job prospects.

Power Lebanon’s next generation with tech
CodeBrave at Tahaddi Non Formal Education Centre in Beirut

We teach at Tahaddi, a non formal education centre in Beirut, around 50 students aged 11-14 our Junior Coder course twice per week.

Through His Coding Journey, Abdallah Found A Sense Of Purpose
Through His Coding Journey, Abdallah Found A Sense Of Purpose

Meet Abdallah and read a small text he’s written himself about his life and coding journey with CodeBrave so far.

Vera, a CodeBrave student
Vera Transforms Setbacks Into Success Through Coding

Meet Vera and read a small text she’s written herself about her life and coding journey with CodeBrave so far.

Alaa Nearly Gave Up On His Dreams… Now He’s On A Roll!
Alaa Nearly Gave Up On His Dreams… Now He’s On A Roll!

Meet Alaa and read about his inspiring journey from facing adversity to interning at a US-based AI company.

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